
Turn 你r passion into a profession with an agriculture degree from 威尼斯人官网. 农业 career options are not limited to farming and ranching. 如果和农作物,动物一起工作 and resources that contribute to the worldwide food supply appeals to 你, a career in agriculture can provide a rewarding and fulfilling future.


应用科学副学士.A.S.在农业方面 will serve students pursuing a degree and employment in the agriculture industry, and it will create a transfer pathway for students who wish to move on to university 农业专业获得学士学位.

农业综合企业 pathway is for students who want to go into the 业务, economics, 市场营销,农场管理或农业物流.

农业综合企业 deals with the 业务 of production, processing and distribution of 农产品. This includes agricultural economics and 业务 through managing 风险和实现正回报.

Students will learn to apply 业务 strategies and economic principles to solve problems in production and distribution of agricultural goods and services. 威尼斯人赌场的 agri业务 management provides an interdisciplinary curriculum that integrates studies 在农业和商业管理方面.

农业综合企业 will help entrepreneurial students prepare for their future agriculture 业务 and those students who want to work in the Kansas City agri业务 industry.

课程包括: global agriculture, leaderships in agriculture, agri业务 management, agriculture 市场营销、物流管理、经济学、


的 animal science pathway is for students who want to go into livestock production, aquaculture, animal nutrition, meat science, or veterinary science.

动物科学 focuses on animal, food and fiber production, and management. 的课程 encompass animal biology, breeding and genetics, nutrition, growth, behavior and management.

Graduates of the program can enter the animal science workforce, start their own 业务, or pursue an advanced degree at the universities in veterinary science, animal production, agri业务, biotechnology, conservation and agriculture education.

动物科学领域是多种多样的. 该项目的毕业生可以继续学习4年 institutions for bachelor’s degrees in veterinary medicine, animal production, agri业务, biotechnology, medicine, conservation and education or find a job after completing 他们在威尼斯人赌场的学位.

课程包括: global agriculture, leaderships in agriculture, animal science, meat science, animal 营养,动物繁殖,兽医术语


的 plant science pathway is for students who want to go into horticulture, agronomy, hydroponics, aquaponics, aeroponics, landscaping, turf management, greenhouse management, 或者都市农业.

Plant Sciences is the study of plant growth, reproduction, evolution and adaptation, as well as the use of plants for food, fiber and ornamental purposes. 学生们可能会 even go on to create a new variety of plant with desired characteristics that may 对气候和疾病有抵抗力.

Topics in plant science could include: mapping genes in crops, land management and 病虫害防治. Plant scientists are in high demand to address many of the world’s 最具挑战性的困境:

  • 为不断增长的世界人口生产足够的粮食.
  • Breeding plants to tolerate the heat and drought stress caused by climate change.
  • Developing sustainable cropping practices to produce more nutritious food.
  • Creating urban indoor agriculture utilizing  hydroponics and aeroponics.
  • 研究植物病害防治方法.
  • Restoring damaged environments to help feed populations that are struggling.
  • 为后代保存植物物种.

课程包括: global agriculture, leaderships in agriculture,soil science, pest management, horticulture, 农业市场营销,植物科学入门



Join us at one of our monthly informational session about 威尼斯人官网’s 农业 Program. You will learn about admission requirements, pre-requisite courses, the duration of 程序和更多!

请经常回来查看更新或联系 aginstitute@pinkmemoarts.com 了解更多信息.

你想从事农业方面的职业吗? 我们有几个探索性的课程 你.

AGRI 100 -农业入门(3学分)

Explore career opportunities and create a strategy for a professional future in agriculture. Introduction to modern agricultural industries, history, management philosophies, 和挑战. Course topics include food production, sustainable resource management, 全球粮食需求和经济.

AGRI 102 -农业综合企业入门(3学分)

Overview of all phases of owning, operating, managing, and working in an agriculture-based 业务. Topics include agriculture economics, planning and organization, management, 会计与金融. This course will also acquaint students with agriculture input and policies as well as domestic and international marketing.



Construction of this approximately 10,000 square foot facility will allow the 农业 研究所 威尼斯人官网-Maple森林 to have dedicated classroom, greenhouse, laboratory and office space.

Classes are scheduled to be held there full time starting in Fall of 2025.



访问 职业信息网(O*NET) to view salary information, employment outlook and personal characteristics needed 对于这个职业.



Whatever 你r transfer destination, we'll work to make sure 你r credits move easily. 这就是为什么我们是这方面的专家. We've worked out specific transfer agreements with many four-year colleges and universities.


Currently, high school students enrolled through Northland 职业中心 can earn 二年级双学分 & 老年人. 我们目前正在扩大双重信贷 & 清晰度 options with area secondary agriculture education programs. 联系 aginstitute@pinkmemoarts.com to see if 你 can earn credits while attending 你r high school.

请向 顾问 查看转移信息.


